Friday, 30 September 2016

Indian Abacus Coaching Class Anna Nagar

Unique Selling  Proposition (USP) / Innovation:

1                                         Zero value positions:  The sliders position showing colours which sink with cream colour back round are considered as zero value position.

                                               Stress free view: The colour and non - colour positions of slider remove the confusions and the disturbing view.

Indian Abacus Coaching Anna Nagar

Unique Selling  Proposition (USP)  / Innovation:

1                                         Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors is designed for use by Tutors in the class room for training the students. The hardware & software, MP3 player, Remote Control which are part of the tool enable the display of the answers of the calculations 

on the LCD and LED screen.

2                                            The sliders stay put in the positions, when the Abacus is vertically viewed while working and values doesn't get changed and the Sliders are stable and firm and thereby the answers will be perfect.

Indian Abacus school Anna Nagar

Unique Selling  Proposition (USP)  / Innovation:

1  Salient features of the products is, Unhide and hide the colour images:  
The student while operating this Abacus moves the Lower and the Upper sliders to unhide and hide the colour images which represent values. 
The display of colour images and specific values makes the visualization many times better, stronger, faster, stress free and error free calculation, when compared to the earlier Abacus.

2                             Indian Abacus – Digital for students is designed for On-line and Off-line coaching by connecting the PC or LAPTOP through USB portal and enables the children to learn - practice - test the abacus skills online - anywhere and anytime.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Abacus Class Anna Nagar

Our Mission
Set benchmarks in training to develop brain skills of young children and help bringing out hidden talent in them to build a promising future for the world

Our Vision
To create a niche & leadership position and grow in size steadily to attain 10000 Centres
by the year 2020.

Quality Policy
Indian Abacus Company would constantly work to ensure to develop &supply educational products & Course Material of internationally acclaimed quality with matching services in the field of Brain skills development training through continuous improvement in the quality of products, training and adopting the best of Administrative practices to delight the student community and the associates in the process

Abacus Coaching Centre Anna Nagar


·         The Indian Abacus product and Mental Arithmetic course builds the mental ability to calculate the arithmetic sums fast and accurately.
·         To train and sharpen the child’s mental power, especially the right brain.
·         To promote patience, efficiency and concentration.
·         To train the child to perform a good habit and positive attitude in an individual.
·         To sharpen the child’s hearing power.
·         To increase the child’s creativity.
·         To improve the child’s memory power / photographic memory.
·         To expand the child’s faculty.
·         The Indian Abacus system is a system to boost the child’s confidence in overcoming obstacles in their mental development.

·         Indian Abacus System is a system to help the students beat phobia on mathematics. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Abacus Crash Course

Indian Abacus product and program is

·                       To enhance the brain power of the children through image memory, hence it is a whole brain development programme.
·                              Remove the fear of Mathematics by making the arithmetic calculations easier.
·                 Indian Abacus tools are to make the learning of the skills by children – easier, faster and stress-free.

Abacus Training Anna Nagar

Indian Abacus has launched its newly invented state-of-the-art Indian Abacus devices and the program with international standard course materials to make the children of the age group – 5 to 13 years, benefit much more than ever before.  Indian Abacus products and the program are the result of 14 years of background research using which the promoters of the company gained invaluable knowledge and experience. All of these have gone into the development of the devices (Indian Abacus) and the program. We will be happy to serve you with these product-offerings and the program of international standard. 

The Indian Abacus is an educational counting tool for learning to do fast and accurate mental arithmetic, more particularly it helps in enhancing their brain skills such as CONCENTRATION, VISUALISATION (PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY) by activating the right brain, the seat of intelligence.  The present invention introduces a tool which can display color image representing any value by moving the

sliders up and down.

Abacus Training Anna Nagar

1                         Indian Abacus company has developed (with added features to the current version) the Indian Abacus-Digital using which the children can learn the skills operating manually and also working simultaneously connecting to the e-learning site.  The e-learning of this whole process is aimed to reach large number of children in any corner to learn the Abacus based calculation skills anytime. 
                      The Indian Abacus, on line learning facility enables children to learn Abacus skills sitting at home or any location of the child’s choice.  The facility also provides the comfort of learning/ unlimited practice / taking assessments anytime & anywhere. And we have developed App and program to learn abacus based calculation through Android, IPhone, I pad also.
Abacus training to the teachers / tutors is imported through online.  

3    Indian Abacus Digital Virtual learning Software for students and Abacus Tutors for doing unlimited practice of Abacus based calculations and skills.

Abacus Coaching Centre

Our Mission
Set benchmarks in training to develop brain skills of young children and help bringing out hidden talent in them to build a promising future for the world

Our Vision
To create a niche & leadership position and grow in size steadily to attain 10000 Centres  by the year 2020.

Quality Policy
Indian Abacus Company would constantly work to ensure to develop &supply educational products & Course Material of internationally acclaimed quality with matching services in the field of Brain skills development training through continuous improvement in the quality of products, training and adopting the best of Administrative practices to delight the student community and the associates in the process

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Indian Abacus Coaching Centre

PRESS RELEASE                                                                          

Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India has launched its products of state-of-the-art design –Indian Abacus and Indian Abacus - Digital versions for students and for the Abacus Tutors. The promoters of the company have been the pioneers in Abacus education in India, introducing it in the year 1999 for the first time in the country.  Abacus usage for mental arithmetic calculations and for brain skills. were till then not known to people of India.

With the knowledge and experience gained through 14 years of marketing presence and the large network of franchisees it managed, the company has in its new incarnation as Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., emerged with next-gen  Abacus tools which are far superior compared to the conventional abacus being used now. Indian Abacus devices – upgraded in design and through the material selection and manufacturing methodology offer the children the facility for stress free learning possibilities and faster calculations. These tools upgraded in design and manufactured to precision are acclaimed to be the next-generation tools which could in future eclipse the currently used conventional abacus’ usage.  Indian Abacus Company is introducing these tools and the program in India and in other overseas locations.  The fact that abacus computation and practice armors the children with the ability to do fast a

nd accurate mental arithmetic calculations and sharpened brain skills such as concentration, visualization and listening is well known to people.  Indian abacus tools with their upgraded features enable the children to have stress free learning and practice.  The company’s entry into overseas market with the state of the art products will result in a greater impact. Indian Abacus Company will therefore have a presence in the future of abacus education market not only in India but in most of the overseas locations.  

Indian Abacus Company has simultaneously brought out the Digital versions of Indian Abacus for students and Tutors.  The students with Digital version of Indian Abacus can work offline and online to learn and practice abacus calculations. For online working Indian Abacus learning portal developed by the company has multitudinous learning facets and the facility provides the student to learn and practice anywhere and anytime in any part of the globe. The children willing to avoid after-school-learning can benefit from On-line learning program.  The On-line program is developed to greatly aid the child to initiate himself/herself and progress well, as the learning portal offers great comfort to learn and practice and get the help support available within the ambit of the program portal whenever the child finds difficulty to comprehend.

The increasing demand for Abacus Education is opening up large potential waiting to be catered to and Indian Abacus with its new product-range which includes the course material of international standard will be the major player in future in the field of Abacus education in offering both “in class room training sessions” through the franchise centres and also the ”online Learning program” through its learning portal using the digitalized version of Indian Abacus with self-learning mode facility.  The company therefore has major opportunity to garner a giant share not only in India but also overseas market for which the company is looking for associates in overseas locations also.  Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, Chairman and Managing Director and CEO., (Inventor) of the company has a clear vision for the company to become global and attain the pivotal position in the Abacus Education field.  

Indian Abacus at Anna Nagar

Preamble - Conceptual facts:
The newly invented Indian Abacus device is a highly advanced version tool and of the state-of-the-art in design. The invented product versions take the Abacus device to a level unseen
·   Visualization is the key to better understanding.
·   Visualization is the key to better anchoring on to the object visualised.
·   Visualization enables more reasons to be with the object of experience mentally.
·   That Visualization as the right brain routine is the key factor for Abacus to change the Abstract numbers into objective experience, through image capture by the brain.
Indian Abacus makes Visualization process involving faster & stronger image-capture due to the distinct colour based images possible.  They are not only distinct by the inherent colour of the images but also through the enhanced possibility of capture of coloured images in a contrast & uniform colour background, which makes the visualisation

 more pronounced.

INDIAN ABACUS- Colour images

Indian Abacus Program is structured with a special focus to facilitate the children to learn numbers and identify them as colour images, to add, subtract, multiply and divide them in doing the calculations. The importance of identifying the numbers as colour images is a predominantly strong factor that Indian Abacus program could establish with the strength of the Indian Abacus tool.  This is a conspicuously lacking feature in the conventional / old abacus in use now due to the inherent inadequacy in the Abacus tool which has beads – which when manipulated to move towards a value position retain their original image and do not emerge as a disclosed colour image as an output of the systematic manipulation. 

Whereas in Indian Abacus, when the child moves a specific slider to a value position with the finger, the kinesthetic activity (touching and moving) is one which gets completed.  Simultaneously, the slider which is moved towards the bar results in a colour image emerging, which is a visual.  So there are two strong features of ‘information and & related memory registry’ that become available for the child – one to feel the touch and the other to see visually.  Visual, the input for the sight has a greater impact on the brain for it to receive and store the information as memory. 

In the Abacus – the conventional one - the bead when moved towards the bar, no doubt the kinesthetic activity gets completed but with regard to the image registry the bead before and after moving retains its unchanged image, so it is received as a comparatively weaker image (due to the crowded matrix of beads and lacking distinction) hence the initial learning becomes difficult, a little stressful and the memory registry is also that much fragile. The children especially the very young ones – of the age group 5 – 7 years find the visual learning difficult and less effective with the conventional abacus.  The drop outs in the initial levels and errors in calculation experienced could be related to the difficulty in visual learning and the shortcomings thereof.

The Indian Abacus for students
The Indian Abacus products developed offer greater ease and comfort in registering in memory of the images representing the values. When the child manipulates the slider/s to do calculations, the slider/s pushed towards the bar project open the hidden colour (Red and Green) images, which otherwise hide the images in the no value position in sync with the body of the Indian Abacus.
Child is at ease and comfort to differentiate the values / numbers easily due to colour projections of the value position of the sliders. The upper sliders project Red colour portion of the sliders as images which represent value and similarly the lower sliders project Green colour portion of the sliders as images which again represent value, Apart from the comfort of easy and faster earning, the newly designed tool enables enhanced visio-spatial memory. The sliders of abacus in the value positions – projecting colour images – stay put even when the abacus is held upright. The sliders do not fall from their worked position.

Indian Abacus has a greater advantage on account of better memory registry and visualisation later that the student experiences in comparison to the conventional or the generic abacus which has been in use.  The student while operating Indian Abacus moves the Lower and the upper sliders to unhide and hide the colour images which represent values.  The lower sliders when moved towards the bar unhide and display Green colour images and similarly the upper sliders when moved towards the bar unhide and display Red colour images. Thus with the display of colour images the memory registry & later visualisation in Indian Abacus is many times better – stronger and faster – when compared to the generic Abacus. Since Visualization is the key factor for better visual memory, Indian Abacus is much superior to its predecessor.

These uniquely designed Abacus tools offer ease and comfort to the children in learning Abacus Mental Arithmetic calculations and in enhancing their brain skills.

Indian Abacus is used for coaching the young students in imparting the Abacus Mental arithmetic skills by image of abacus, thereby helping the children do fast and accurate mental arithmetic, apart from enhancing their brain skills such as Concentration, Visualization (Photographic Memory). The advanced features such as projection of colour images enable largely better image memory and therefore result in much faster and accurate calculations, which are the reflection of brain skills.

Indian Abacus Coaching Class Anna Nagar

Indian Abacus has launched its newly invented state-of-the-art Indian Abacus devices and the program with international standard course materials to make the children of the age group – 5 to 13 years, benefit much more than ever before.  Indian Abacus products and the program are the result of 14 years of background research using which the promoters of the company gained invaluable knowledge and experience. All of these have gone into the development of the devices (Indian Abacus) and the program. We will be happy to serve you with these product-offerings and the program of international standard. 

The Indian Abacus is an educational counting tool for learning to do fast and accurate mental arithmetic, more particularly it helps in enhancing their brain skills such as CONCENTRATION, VISUALISATION (PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY) by activating the right brain, the seat of intelligence.  The present invention introduces a tool which can display color image representing any value by moving the sliders up and down.

Indian Abacus product and program is

·         To enhance the brain power of the children through image memory, hence it is a whole brain development programme.
·         Remove the fear of Mathematics by making the arithmetic calculations easier.
·         Indian Abacus tools are to make the learning of the skills by children – easier, faster and stress-free.


·         The Indian Abacus product and Mental Arithmetic course builds the mental ability to calculate the arithmetic sums fast and accurately.
·         To train and sharpen the child’s mental power, especially the right brain.
·         To promote patience, efficiency and concentration.
·         To train the child to perform a good habit and positive attitude in an individual.
·         To sharpen the child’s hearing power.
·         To increase the child’s creativity.
·         To improve the child’s memory power / photographic memory.
·         To expand the child’s faculty.
·         The Indian Abacus system is a system to boost the child’s confidence in overcoming obstacles in their mental development.
·         Indian Abacus System is a system to help the students beat phobia on mathematics.

Yet another feather in the cap of INDIAN ABACUS…Indian Abacus has entered the India Book of Records. For having invented the First Digital Abacus(Digital & Non Digital versions)By Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, Managing Director & CEO.,Many accolades to follow...

Yet another feather in the cap of INDIAN ABACUS.Indian Abacus has entered the Assist World Records (Research Foundation). For having invented the Most Advanced Digital and Non Digital Abacus By Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, Managing Director & CEO., Many accolades to follow...

Yet another feather in the cap of INDIAN ABACUS. Indian Abacus has entered the Asia Book of Records For having invented the First Digital Abacus By Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, Managing Director & CEO., Many accolades to follow...

Indian Abacus has entered the India Book of Records, Asia Book of Records and Assist World Records 

For having invented the First Digital Abacus (Digital & Non Digital versions) By Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, Managing Director & CEO., Many accolades to follow...

Indian Abacus Coaching Anna Nagar

Are You Facing these Problems with your Child?

·         Lacks self-motivation
·         Lacks competitive spirit
·         Lacks confidence
·         Negative attitude
·         Getting low Marks
·         Lacks Concentration
·         Poor memory


·         Activate both right and Left Brain
·         Listening skills and Concentration
·         Develop Creativity and Analytical Skills
·         Build Confidence
·         Quick calculation and Accuracy
·         Create interest in Maths



Indian Abacus school Anna Nagar

Our Managing Director Mr Basheer Ahamed from India participated in the International Book Fair held @ Sharjah, UAE between 4th to 14th November 2015. by putting up a stall No.24 in Hall No.4.Visitors from various Countries, Schools and Colleges, Govt. departments, entrepreneurs called on our Stall and they were all very much enthusiastic and curious in knowing about  the Indian Abacus product & program.
1.     Indian Abacus company has developed (with added features to the current version) the Indian Abacus-Digital using which the children can learn the skills operating manually and also working simultaneously connecting to the             e-learning site.  The e-learning of this whole process is aimed to reach large number of children in any corner to learn the Abacus based calculation skills anytime. The Indian Abacus, on line learning facility enables children to learn Abacus skills sitting at home or any location of the child’s choice.  The facility also provides the comfort of learning/ unlimited practice / taking assessments anytime & anywhere. And we have developed App and program to learn abacus based calculation through Android, IPhone, I pad also.
2.     Abacus training to the teachers / tutors is imported through online.  

3.     Indian Abacus Digital Virtual learning Software for students and Abacus Tutors for doing unlimited practice of Abacus based calculations and skills.

Abacus Training Anna Nagar

Abacus Mind Math Anna Nagar

Indian Abacus has launched its newly invented state-of-the-art Indian Abacus devices and the program with international standard course materials to make the children of the age group – 5 to 13 years, benefit much more than ever before.  Indian Abacus products and the program are the result of 14 years of background research using which the promoters of the company gained invaluable knowledge and experience. All of these have gone into the development of the devices (Indian Abacus) and the program. We will be happy to serve you with the
se product-offerings and the program of international standard. 

The Indian Abacus is an educational counting tool for learning to do fast and accurate mental arithmetic, more particularly it helps in enhancing their brain skills such as CONCENTRATION, VISUALIZATION (PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY) by activating the right brain, the seat of intelligence.  The present invention introduces a tool which can display color image representing any value by moving the sliders up and down.

Abacus Coaching Centre Anna Nagar


·         Activate both right and Left Brain
·         Listening skills and Concentration
·         Develop Creativity and Analytical Skills
·         Build Confidence
·         Quick calculation and Accuracy
·         Create interest in Maths


Key Benefits of Mid Brain Activation:
Make your senses more powerful
Multiply your memory power
Activate your hidden potential
Increase your concentration power
Boost your Confidence
Enhance your Creativity
Develop your learning and understanding powers
Improve your Academic Performance
Develop Photographic Memory
Increase your retaining capacity

Develop speed reading